Penis size: myths busted
Penis size – it worries nearly every man. But do women care? What’s the average size? Does a man’s shoe size say anything about his penis length? Can you increase your penis size without surgery? All this and more in this edition of Sex Myth Buster.
The average penis size is about 8 inches (20cm) when erect
False. It depends on whose figures you go by, but in any case the average length is much shorter than that. Bear in mind also that penis sizes do vary around the world, so there’s no universal ‘normal’.
According to a study by the British Institute of Urology, the average size of an erect penis is about 5.5-6.2 inches (14-15.75cm), and the average girth is about 4.7-5.1 inches (12-13cm).
At Love Matters we’re a bit more cautious – we just say an erect penis is usually somewhere between 2.7 and 6.7 inches (7-17cm). When it comes to condom sizes, ‘average’ counts as 4.7-5.9 inches (12-17cm).
Read more on penis shapes and sizes.
A man’s shoe size can tell a lot about his penis size
Nope, the length of a man’s penis has no correlation with his shoe size. In 2002, two London-based doctors carried out a study of 104 men. They measured their erect penises and their shoe size but found no statistically significant correlation. However, a South Korean study found the relative length of your ring finger to your index finger can predict the length of your penis. Curious to go do this experiment now?!
Women like them longer
Many of us have heard the phrase, ‘bigger is better’. But when it comes to the length of the penis, it might not be true after all. Studies have shown that women don’t necessarily think a longer penis is better. Neither do they think that longer penises give them greater pleasure. In fact, most women attributed much more importance to the girth or the width of the penis.
Check out the latest research: Big penis: is that what women want?
All men are proud of their penis size
You’d be surprised to hear how many men are unhappy with their sizes. The study mentioned above also found out that while 85 per cent of women are happy with their partner’s penis size, only 55 per cent of men are happy with theirs. Also, the ‘small penis syndrome’ or the ‘locker room syndrome’ is more common among men with normal penis sizes and has more to do with their psychology than physiology.
You can increase your penis size without surgery
No you can’t. We know that breaks a lot of male hearts and aspirations, but the fact is penile size cannot be increased without surgery. While there are a lot of people out there trying to sell you all kinds of products – pills, pumps, patches, creams, gels, sprays and stretchers – most of it is hocus pocus. And experts say that is because the penis is made of spongy tissue which cannot be lengthened or stretched. Even surgeries offer only a marginal increase in size.
Have you heard a rumour about sex and wonder if it’s true? Let us know and we’ll nail the facts or bust the myths! Leave your comment below or contact us on Facebook.
Hi there,
Hi there,
what satisfies women is stimulation of the clitoris, which has nothing to do with penis length or ejaculation. Girth, or how wide a penis is, however, can be rather important for a woman’s pleasure.
you can actually increase
you can actually increase your penis size naturally without surgery and without the pills and what so ever
Hi Tom,
and how is that?
Hi Tom,
and how is that?
Realliy love is the life of
Realliy love is the life of the lovers
Hi Fatxi,
very true!
Hi Fatxi,
very true!
and how about the pennis that
and how about the pennis that is not straight can you make it to b straigth and does it have effect to a person who has the pennis that isnt in straight
Hi there,
Hi there,
no, don’t worry. It’s also quite normal to have a penis bend one way or the other. Nothing you need to try to do to change it, all good 🙂
Yes its all good u can’t
Yes its all good u can’t change your size without doctors talk!product will help u with erections but not size
Hello, thank you for…
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. It is normal and quite common for some men to have penises that curve slightly to the left or right when it’s erect. There is also a condition called Peyronie’s Disease that mostly affects men over 40 and causes the penis to become curved when it’s erect. The curve usually does not affect the person’s sex life. Although surgery is an option it is only advisable in extreme cases.
short pennis is good than
short pennis is good than long pennis
Hi Timi,
Hi Timi,
either is fine. What’s more important is that a man knows where to find a woman’s clitoris.
can surgery correct pre
can surgery correct pre-mature ejaculation?
Hi Henry,
Hi Henry,
we are not aware of any surgeries addressing permature ejaculation.
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
Also check out:
i think da size of d penix
i think da size of d penix doesnt matha it only mata dat he mitx d galx clitorix
That’s a good point!
That’s a good point!
Wish to know how many comins
Wish to know how many comins can satisfy a woman,,,I need ways have as many as possible for longer,,
Trust us, when it comes to sex, quality is far better than quantity. One good round is better than four mediocre rounds. And, you need to keep in mind that most women don’t orgasm from intercourse, but from clitoral stimulation.
We I prefer long and wide
We I prefer long and wide penis. FYI it is men who is huge and it like a horse or bull penis. I would have to be married to a man like this because I wouldn’t be any good for the average man.
how does the vacuum pump work
how does the vacuum pump work for penis enlargement???
Does it have an effect for
Does it have an effect for sex experienced man to abstain himself for years?
Do all ladies have the
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wea is the woman’s clitoris
wea is the woman’s clitoris found?
perception of the mind
perception of the mind affects both men and women
What are the side effects of
What are the side effects of Masturbation in men ? Let me kindly know
i was confused that there’s
i was confused that there’s no medicine will increase the penis size?so can you tell me how i will statisfies my mate because am worry about my size?
you mean i need only to
you mean i need only to stimulate the woman’s clitoris and nothing else??
How one can straighten his
How one can straighten his bent penis
What do we mean by clitoris
What do we mean by clitoris
how am I going to make it
how am I going to make it longer
A friend told me dat taking
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How many round can women get
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After how many month can you
After how many month can you sex with your wife, after giving birth?
How can one stimulate
How can one stimulate clitoris
Thanks for the good lesson,
Thanks for the good lesson, but for how long should a normal man last for a single round after penetration.
You had mention the normal
You had mention the normal size of penis when erect and it varies, can you tell me the normal size of Penis when not Erect?
tell mi wat the normal size
tell mi wat the normal size of a penis before erect is??
Hi Brio, there is no standard
Hi Brio, there is no standard size for non erected penis since it changes sizes with different conditions like heat or cold.
tell me something about
tell me something about squirting
Check out this article to
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/squirting-orgasms-what-comes-out .
i’ve measured my soft penis
i’ve measured my soft penis and its width is just 1.2 inches. is it relatively too small?
Hi Julio,
Hi Julio,
A penis is best measured when ts erect.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/penis-size-myths-busted .
Pls what is now causing…
Pls what is now causing problems in my marriage now is my very weak errection that has suddenly started happening to me and now becoming normal. It happened in such a way that even if my wife tried to play with me will not get maximum errection pls how can I solve this problems that is now getting me more and more fustrated and I don’t settled anymore to concentrate in my life. Pls I need solution.
Hello Tunde, thank you for…
Hello Tunde, thank you for reaching out to us. As men get older, sustaining erections can get harder. However, this article has some really great information that could help you.